Hello February

Hi guys, welcome to February this month will be filled with enjoyment, love, celebrations and much more. I’m definitely looking foward to this month for several reasons like Black History, Valentine's Day, Super bowl and most importantly building my brand. If you're reading this we may have several things in common. As we approach this month and beyond we should be happy, goal focused and resilient. These are a few things I will like to share with you as we conquer this beautiful month:

Continue Setting Your Goals:  Do not stop writing goals and planning. Goals help you to stay focus and it gives you something to work towards. If you completed one goal, make another goal.  Goals can be ongoing and you can always alter your goals if…

Continue Setting Your Goals: Do not stop writing goals and planning. Goals help you to stay focus and it gives you something to work towards. If you completed one goal, make another goal. Goals can be ongoing and you can always alter your goals if you need to. It's important that you work toward something, so keep those journals and vision boards pumping.

Celebrate Your Wins: Who says it have to be a big win to celebrate. Celebrating helps you to enjoy the process. Process builds character and growth, take it one day and one goal at a time. You do not want to be in a situation where you crash and bur…

Celebrate Your Wins: Who says it have to be a big win to celebrate. Celebrating helps you to enjoy the process. Process builds character and growth, take it one day and one goal at a time. You do not want to be in a situation where you crash and burn. Take baby steps, celebrate your progress and keep going. I like to journal my milestones this helps me to keep track of my progress. When you can visually see your progress no one can make you feel inadequate or make you doubt yourself because you have something concrete to go by.

Get Involve With The Culture This Month:  Sometimes we need to take a break,and  enjoy the things around us. Holidays are meant to be enjoyed. I find more inspiration when I’m partaking in different things because I’m learning from others and I’m be…

Get Involve With The Culture This Month: Sometimes we need to take a break,and enjoy the things around us. Holidays are meant to be enjoyed. I find more inspiration when I’m partaking in different things because I’m learning from others and I’m becoming more well rounded. Don’t get overly consumed in working and never have any fun. Create a balance so you can crush your goals.

Last But Not Least, Dont Get Discouraged:  A mistake that I made when I first started my blog was I compared my success with other seasoned bloggers. I wanted major traffic and lots of followers from the jump and I was in over my head, I felt like t…

Last But Not Least, Dont Get Discouraged: A mistake that I made when I first started my blog was I compared my success with other seasoned bloggers. I wanted major traffic and lots of followers from the jump and I was in over my head, I felt like this my first couple months of blogging. I was upset because I didn’t get the views I wanted. The reason I felt defeated because I was comparing myself with others. I realized that I was setting myself up for failure and I was not enjoying the process. I quickly reevaluated how I was going about doing things and I said to “myself I’m in this for the long haul so I need to get a grip and tone it down.” After having this conversation with myself my views changed, I started looking at things differently and I got back in the race. In addition I began to celebrate other people success and I don’t feel like I’m in competition with others, which makes me feel good about myself and my journey.

Guys I hope you feel encouraged after reading this. I thank God for allowing me to walk in my purpose and allowing me to share some positive things with you. Below is a video that I recorded on my way to work please watch it. Please check out my oth…

Guys I hope you feel encouraged after reading this. I thank God for allowing me to walk in my purpose and allowing me to share some positive things with you. Below is a video that I recorded on my way to work please watch it. Please check out my other stories on this site. Thank you so much for visiting my website, much love and blessings to you all. ❤


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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