Networking Survival Kit
Networking affords us the opportunity to make connections with other professionals or folks that are in various markets and line of work. It takes a lot of gut and motivation to network. You must be willing to interact with others and get out of your comfort zone. The beauty of networking is you have a choice to do it virtually or in person.
Since I started my blog in 2020, I've been networking to build my followers and to drive traffic to my site. Networking plays a huge role in blogging and vlogging, without an audience bloggers content would be useless. Ive come up with tips that you should keep in mind when you are networking they are..
Seek Out Opportunities
Be Open To Meeting New People
Follow Up And Stay In Contact.
4. Be prepared and have all of your business items i.e. business cards, sticky note, notepad, pens, etc on hand ready to exchange information. The more prepared you are the better your networking experience will be.
Lastly, but most importantly have fun engage and connect with people in your niche. Be yourself and don't over think it. The effort you put out, you will get it back in return.
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