Wonderful Ways to Wind Down After A Long Day Work

Sometimes work can be a handful with all the demands and the amount of time you have to meet those demands. A job has it’s own baggage that can put a toll on you if you don't set the proper boundaries. Most of us have heard the phrase “ separate your work life from your personal life” Separating the two can save us on a lot of drama and from burning ourselves out. The question I have for you is: What are some things you’re doing to wind down after you leave work? I've come up with six wonderful ways to help you wind down after a long hard day of work.

DISCONNECT-  Leave your work at work. Leave all the stressors from your job  such as demands, paperwork, co worker issues, management, and other work related issues. When you leave work change your mind set and think about other things that makes yo…
  1. DISCONNECT- Leave your work at work. Leave all the stressors from your job such as demands, paperwork, co worker issues, management, and other work related issues. When you leave work change your mind set and think about other things that makes you happy.

2. Take A Warm Shower or Bath- use your favorite soothing bubble bath, essential oil, light some candles, put some petals in the water and indulge.  Also you can be creative in your bath time,by playing  some relaxing music such as: soft jazz, instr…

2. Take A Warm Shower or Bath- use your favorite soothing bubble bath, essential oil, light some candles, put some petals in the water and indulge. Also you can be creative in your bath time,by playing some relaxing music such as: soft jazz, instrumentals to set a calm relaxing atmosphere.

3. Read A Book- Escape in a novel, your favorite magazine or blog. According to healthline.com Reading allows people to escape from current problems and to put their mind somewhere else. Reading helps people to relax, it reduces stress, alleviates d…

3. Read A Book- Escape in a novel, your favorite magazine or blog. According to healthline.com Reading allows people to escape from current problems and to put their mind somewhere else. Reading helps people to relax, it reduces stress, alleviates depression and it increases empathy.

4.  Self- massage-  According to the editors of the healthy.com massages can relax your muscles, relieve stress, and boost your energy. The article also talks about 17 tricks for a soothing self massage and it goes into detail on how to implement th…

4. Self- massage- According to the editors of the healthy.com massages can relax your muscles, relieve stress, and boost your energy. The article also talks about 17 tricks for a soothing self massage and it goes into detail on how to implement the different messages. The website gives step by step directions on how to relieve tension, relax your neck, hammer kinks, massage calves, rub belly, post workout heat therapy, lotion hands, heating pad, tired feet, open sinuses, hug it out, foot rub, and headache relief.

5. Take A Nap- Napping helps me to relax my body and my mind. When I'm tired I don't think clearly and I become grouchy. After a nap and a good night's sleep, I feel more refreshed, my judgement is better and I’m happier.

5. Take A Nap- Napping helps me to relax my body and my mind. When I'm tired I don't think clearly and I become grouchy. After a nap and a good night's sleep, I feel more refreshed, my judgement is better and I’m happier.

6. Last But Not Least Exercise- Exercising is the ultimate stress reliever. Exercising allows you to let go of tension, calm down and it helps you to focus. Exercising is good for the heart, it helps your blood sugar and insulin levels also it help …

6. Last But Not Least Exercise- Exercising is the ultimate stress reliever. Exercising allows you to let go of tension, calm down and it helps you to focus. Exercising is good for the heart, it helps your blood sugar and insulin levels also it help keep your thinking and judgment skills sharp.

Ok guys I gave you some helpful tips and resources on how to wind down and destress after a long hard day of work. Tell me what you think about these tips, share your thoughts in the comment section. I’ll talk to you soon, thanks for stopping by. 💚


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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