Stand Up Stand Out
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King Jr. What are you doing to take a stand as you live your life day to day? I believe that we will begin to feel better about ourselves and our lives if we are helping others. When you help others you are in return helping yourself. Everytime I help someone or pay it foward, I begin to feel empowered, and motivated.
When you take a stand you are setting yourself apart from the problem to become the solution. Leaders and trendsetters often takes the high road and stand alone.Taking a stand is not always easy you may lose friends, you may get talked about, and you may feel rejected. After you overcome those barriers you will become stronger in your stance, and you will begin to empower others.
Taking a stand can also mean to stand up for yourself. There should be a limit on how you let someone treat you. If you allow someone to always treat you badly and walk over you without confronting them, you are setting yourself up for further mistreatment.
“ Don't ever let anyone break your soul. You have to stand on your own two feet and fight. There are those who would give anything to see you fall never give them the satisfaction, hold your head up high, put a smile on your face and stand your ground.” - Author unknown.
Ways to take a stand:
Take Sonething You Stand Against And Turn it Around.. I do not like bullying, as 4k teacher I teach my students to speak up, express themselves and stand up for themselves if they are face with bullying. I also teach them what bullying looks like so they can easily identify it.
Tell People What You Are Doing.
If you are engaging in a special cause in your community or if you are making some personal changes in your life, share it with others. Hopefully this will help them to get involved .
Build A Platform-
Another way to reach others is to host an event, speak at a local church, school, etc to talk about what you are doing so you can educate others and get them involve in your organization. You want to be able to reach a wider audience. People love gatherings si you can make your event stand out by having giveaways to draw the crowd , also getting personal with your community is a good way to get exposure so you can begin to connect with others.
What are you doing to take a stand? What changes are you hoping to see and what are you going to do to implement those changes?
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