Shae's Creations: Creating Has Become My Therapy.

I"m a southerner and I love personalized paraphernalia, diaries, celebrations, great tasting desserts, dressing to impress and the list goes on. Recently, I had the pleasure of getting to know someone who loves doing all the above and then some. She is a creator and she definitely wears many hats. I want to introduce Sharon Christian founder of Shae's Creation. This is her story from her own words.

“ I have always been a crafty person. I don’t think I really started following through with my craftiness until my youngest son was born. I have two sons. Eric, and Charlie. Eric will be 30 this year and Charlie would have been 20 this year (he passed away from Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) in December, 2009)

At the time of Charlie's birth, I worked for a local attorney. When Christopher ( Charlie) was born, he had a heart condition, I ended up having to stay home with him for about 6 months. Not knowing how long I would have him in my life, I started scrapbooking. It was my way of putting into words how hilarious my boys were and documenting the vacations we shared together. My boss at the time was a saint and said when I felt comfortable with having Charlie exposed to the public… he would allow me to come back to work and to bring my Charlie with me.

So, as I said, I didn’t know how long I would have with my Charlie, and in Dec.2009, 6 days shy of his 9th birthday, I lost my Charlie. At that point my life has been revolved around Charlie. My eldest son had moved out, went to live with my mother, whom had been diagnosed with Cancer to help take care of her. She passed away 8 months after Charlie. After Charlie passed away I took over full care of my momma. I had lost four of the most important people in my life within 8 months. ( My mother was my best friend..and I had actually lost both my grand mothers , my son, my job and then my mother… within a year's time).

So needless to say, I was LOST!!. The two people that I had cared for, and put all else aside, were gone and I didn't have a clue who I was anymore nor what I was going to do. My marriage was broken and I was drowning! When my Charlie died, I quit eating for three weeks. It was so bad that my sickly mother noticed at that tine. One evening I sat my eldest son down and told him I was trying to kill myself. I didn't see it at that time.. but I was spiraling down … fast!

My son came to me one day on his lunch break and refused to leave until I ate a cheeseburger. And he did that every day for a week. On the 7th day, sitting there eating with me, he said to me..” You know you have another son too?” I just stared at him blankly. He said, “ And I also need you” I was floored. I didn't realize how scared he was and I swore to him right then and there that I would never do anything to put myself in a situation to not be here on earth for him then I decided I needed to find myself. What better way to do that than do what I love.. crafts.

To keep myself busy, I got a second job at Michael’s …and my recreation began…lol

I started at Michael's as the scrapbook instructor. I watched every YouTube video on any and every scrapbooking idea. I would be watching scrapbooking and the next thing I would be watching is jewelry making and then floral…and on and on. When I would go to work at Michael's, I would get with the floral employee or the jewelry instructor and we would do a lot of demos for customers to see how to use our products. My store manager noticed that I was elbow deep into EVERYTHING he sent people to me that needed information about a product. Before I knew it Michael's woukd call me in my day off to answer customer questions. (lol) One success lead to the next and my manager asked me to start teaching Wilton Cake Decorating.

One day, while I was working on the floor, a customer came in and asked, was there anyone here that can make a cake.?And of course, they sent her to me. So I got her number and when I  got off work I called her. She needed a birthday cake for her b.…

One day, while I was working on the floor, a customer came in and asked, was there anyone here that can make a cake.?And of course, they sent her to me. So I got her number and when I got off work I called her. She needed a birthday cake for her b.f.f. by Friday. I spoke to her on Tuesday. I agreed to make the cake and.. the whirlwind of my cake decorating took off. I got three people to call me from just that one cake.

Needless  to say, I've been doing cakes for approximately 8 years now. I love making cakes. When I take an order, I explain that I will never duplicate a cake exactly as the example they bring me, because  one.. I don’t copy other people's work.. I …

Needless to say, I've been doing cakes for approximately 8 years now. I love making cakes. When I take an order, I explain that I will never duplicate a cake exactly as the example they bring me, because one.. I don’t copy other people's work.. I would be mad if someone did that to me and two.. my vision for this cake isn't always what is in the picture. I haven't had an unhappy customer yet. ( Knock on wood!!)

As  I said before, I watch YouTube…A LOT! So, I would be watching cake making and the next thing I know, I am watching how to make epoxy coaster and then tumblers.  I begged my dad to make me a cuptisserie and I haven't  looked back since.

As I said before, I watch YouTube…A LOT! So, I would be watching cake making and the next thing I know, I am watching how to make epoxy coaster and then tumblers. I begged my dad to make me a cuptisserie and I haven't looked back since.

I love the idea that my groups have and I love putting the ideas on the cups…with my twist.. seeing the product completed and seeing the joy on a person's face when they see something made just for tbem. It makes my heart full to see a person smile …

I love the idea that my groups have and I love putting the ideas on the cups…with my twist.. seeing the product completed and seeing the joy on a person's face when they see something made just for tbem. It makes my heart full to see a person smile because someone thought of them and to make them something to bring a smile on their face.

As you can see, my life has been one complicated roller coaster after another.. but I refuse to be knocked down and not get back up. I am just too stubborn to stay down. I love that I have my cake making and crafting to keep my mind occupied when I am having days that are intimidating and stressful.. but most of all.. I thank God every day for making me who I am and showing me ways to keep my wits about myself.

I made the Marilyn cake on the right. The pic on the left is what they sent me. I had fun making the Marilyn cake by the way this is my favorite cake.

I made the Marilyn cake on the right. The pic on the left is what they sent me. I had fun making the Marilyn cake by the way this is my favorite cake.

The silver cake is the cake I made for the lady from Michael's. In closing  I am in no way perfect..and one day a lady asked me if I was scared to face God because  I don’t go to church every Sunday. I simply said, “ Ma'am, God created  me. He knows…

The silver cake is the cake I made for the lady from Michael's.

In closing I am in no way perfect..and one day a lady asked me if I was scared to face God because I don’t go to church every Sunday. I simply said, “ Ma'am, God created me. He knows more about me than I know about myself. I have no reason to fear God.. he loves me..because I am who I am” God knew what he was doing when he created me. I just pray everyday that he is proud of whom I have become.

This is a phenomenal story with a happy ending and it  put  things back in  perspective in my life., and I also learned that you can overcome  anything . Please follow her on Instagram  and contact her via phone for your cakes, cupcakes  and tumbler…

This is a phenomenal story with a happy ending and it put things back in perspective in my life., and I also learned that you can overcome anything . Please follow her on Instagram and contact her via phone for your cakes, cupcakes and tumbler embroidery. ( info is on the card pictured above).

If this story touched you feel free to comment below. Please don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for reading. Get you something  sweet.🍩🎂❤

If this story touched you feel free to comment below. Please don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for reading. Get you something sweet.🍩🎂❤


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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