My Night Time Ritual
Prior to going to bed every night there are things that I do and put in place to end the day well and to have a fresh start the next morning. I like feeling accomplished and I like to go to bed with a clear mind and happy. I’m that person that feels productive when I plan ahead, get a good night's rest, and start my day on the right track with no lingering issues.
In the past when I didn't have a night time ritual I went to bed unprepared, sometimes irritated , no agenda for the next day, unenthused, the list goes on. This resulted in me waking up in a bad mood, and feeling overwhelmed. I didn't like how I was feeling so I decided to do a self analysis and change the things in my life that I can control. Once I did the work and put forth the effort my life changed for the better. These are some of the things that I do every night, hopefully these tips can help someone who needs guidance in creating their night time ritual.
I End My Night With A Prayer- Before I get settled I reflect, thank God for taking care of me and my family and his many blessings. I feel complete and protected when I talk to God. As a Christian I like to ask God for forgiveness and strategies to deal with my problems, I also seek confirmation when I pray. When I pray I have a great night rest and I wake up energized and in a great mood.
Write Down My Agenda For The Next Day- Each night I plan out the following day by writing down my goals in my planner. I go a step further by writing out steps to complete that goal. For me being thorough gives me a clear direction and it allows me to put some thought into what I'm doing to help me to strategize better.
Correct Any Misunderstandings or Solve Any Unsolved Issues- Many of us have heard this statement before, “ Don't Go To Bed Mad”. I must admit this is easier said than done. It takes work and maturity to solve issues, and to admit when you were wrong. Personally I don't Ike lingering issues over something small because it can turn into something major if you don’t handle it immediately. I don’t like drama so I prefer to do the work to make the situation better.
Speak Something Positive About Myself And Others - What you say about yourself matters more than what someone else says about you. I love doing positive self talk because I get to drown out the negative thoughts that were planted by people who don't like me. Positive self talk is therapeutic and it help shape my day. Words are very powerful, most of the time you will manifest what you say. I always tell people to be careful what they say and I have to remind myself as well when I run into an issue. Each morning when I wake up I say my affirmations and I say the things that I want to happen for me.
Listen To Or Watch Something Inspiring or Soothing Before Going To Sleep- I like to wind down before I fall asleep. I leave my TV on while I'm sleeping but I have the volume on low and my channel is on TBN a Christian network. I’m particular on the shows that are playing over me while I’m asleep. I sleep better when I watch something positive and soothing before going to bed.
In conclusion, doing these night time rituals have helped me out tremendously. I'm a whole new person now that I become intentional about my happiness. A couple of years back I was not a morning person. The bulk of my problem was that I ended my night bad, and I didn't prepare for the next day. I’m grateful to God that my mood has changed and I’m ready to hit the ground running in the mornings.
Thank you for stopping by, I will love to keep this conversation going, what are some of your night time rituals that you will like to share? Feel free to jot down your thoughts in the comment section. Let’s stay connected, I'm on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest Bloggingwithapril. Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. Thanks again and come back to visit.😊