African American Women Inventors

In honor of Black History Month, I will like to highlight four African American women who made our life easier today their inventions. Researching and learning about how African American women contributed to our society makes me feel hopeful and proud to be an African American woman. As a young child I dreamed of doing something and being somebody great. I challenge myself daily to step out the box, think creative and push down obstacles and surpass my fears. Starting my blogging business and lipstick line has been great accomplishments. These women that I will be highlighting have trailblazed and pave the way for African American women like myself to push pass obstacles.

Janet Emerson Bashen was the first African American woman to patent a web- based software invention. She patent Link-line a web application used to track and manage Equal Opportunity Claims.

Patricia Bath- In 1988. Dr. Patricia Bath made scientific history as the first African American female physician to receive a medical patent. She invented the Laserphaco Probe, which became the leading surgical tool used to treat patients with cataracts.

Mary Kerner- She invented the sanitary belt in 1957. The sanitary belt is an elastic belt band that helped advance hygiene options for menstruating women. She also invented the toilet paper holder.

Marie Van Brittan Brown- She was a nurse, she invented the home security system to combat the high crime rate in Queens, New York. Her invention included four peepholes, a video camera, the camera was connected to a television monitor. A microphone outside the door and a speaker inside allowed an occupant to interrogate the isitor. The alarm would alert the police. Brown filed the patent in 1966.

Sarah Boone- She was the inventor of the Ironing board, and the first black woman to get a patent. She said, “ she wanted a way to produce cheap, simple, convenient and highly effective device, particularly adapted to be used in Ironing the sleeves and bodies of ladies garments” In 1982 she applied for a patent for her Ironing board, and she is noted as the first African American Woman.

These are a few African American made inventions that has made our life more easier that I chose to highlight in honor of Black History Month. Thanks for visiting my website. Feel free to check out the other stories on my site. Follow me on my socials.😚


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

Dr. Heavenly's University


Working Moms, Making Time