My Day Fishing
Today is Labor Day, the weather is beautiful and the sun is shining in Sumter, South Carolina. Fishing is one of my husband's favorite hobby but he has not gone in while. My husband and I went fishing alot when we were dating and before we got married. Fast forward fourteen years later, we have an adventurous five year old daughter who enjoys nature, going outside playing in the dirt, swimming, riding her tricycle, shooting fireworks, playing soccer etc. My husband thought it would be a good idea to take her fishing and to teach her how to do the hobby he enjoys doing.
Mill Creek Pond is located at 7995 Milford Plantation Road,Pinewood SC. If you want to camp out, fish or plan your next outdoor party their contact number is 803-436-2248. The park features a meeting area with a group of picnic tables overlooking a large pond. The park allows pets, has restrooms, and wifi.
You definitely need to prepare for outdoor fun. The night before our fishing trip, my husband prepared the sandwiches, my daughter packed the chocolate chip cookies, we decided to take Gatorade and water instead of soft drinks. The day before the fishing trip we shopped at Walmart for new fishing rods, worms, crackers, drinks and also we renewed our fishing license for another year.
We arrived at the park around 10:00 a.m. once we arrived, we unpack our SUV, while my husband was unpacking, I tested out the dock to see how stable it was before my daughter walked on it, also I checked to see if there were any snakes or objects that could be unsafe. After checking everything out, we set up shop on the dock. I pulled out the lawn chairs for my daughter and I to sit in the shade to eat our snacks.
After I ate, I threw in my line. I was not banking on catching any fish, I just wanted to participate in on the fun. I watched how my husband hooked the worm, I still don't know how to line my reel, maybe one day I'll get it. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the idea of catching a fish or two. There were other people at the pond, but they had their boats. My prayer is to one day own a boat just to ride on the lake and enjoy the sun. Here are some more photos of my husband and daughter.
My Husband and Daughter At The Dock
My Husband Finally Caught One, Yay
Pictured Is Our Tackle Box and Green Worms From North Carolina.
Thanks so much for reading my blog on ".My Day Fishing”, while you are here check out the other stories on the site and follow me on my socials. Feel free to share your fishing experience. Thanks again😊