Blogging with April

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Home Ownership

Hi, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm a new home owner. I've been renting all of my adulthood, now God has opened up new doors in my life and I'm much grateful for this. This has been a long road of two years of planning for this home ownership journey and a lifetime of wanting a nice home in a suburban neighborhood.

I closed on my new home Wednesday, March 11th. The week prior to closing, I was excited and screaming inwardly for joy and a little nervous all at the same time . I told only a few people close to me. After I closed on my home, I went public with the good news. I must admit this process was stressful I was on edge a little due to the underwriting process. The underwriters had a list of things they needed to verify before the loan was approved.

When you decide to purchase a home these are some things that you may need to complete your home loan. (Disclaimer: speak to a realtor to ensure that you are getting the proper information. )

  • Work on having at least 650 credit score or better

  • 2 years of employment or operation of your own business

  • Funds Saved Up For Your Down Payment And Other Expenses

  • Make sure your debt to income ratio is low or manageable

  • Checkings or Savings Account

  • Student loan is in a repayment plan and not on default.

Benefits of Owning Your Own Home:

  • As a homeowner you can can lock in a predictable mortgage payment as long a 30 years

  • Purchasing a home is an asset that will appreciate in value over time

  • Tax benefits-property tax and accounting cost are tax deductibles

If you're currently on your home ownership journey, congratulations for taking a big step towards your financial freedom journey and keep setting those goals to manifest what God intends for you to have.

Thanks for stopping by my website. While you're here check out the other stories and follow me on my socials to stay connected, until next time take care of yourself 🥰