Here We Are AI Intelligence

Here we are in 2024 the age and century where we are being guided by computers i.e. artificial intelligence. We use artificial intelligence in almost every thing we do. Let’s dive into what artificial intelligence is and the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence? AI is the ability of a digital computer or computer- controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.

Types of AI

  • Machine Learning

  • Computer Vision

  • Image Recognition

  • Content Creation

  • Automatic Reported

  • Generative AI

  • Chat GPT

  • Mid journey

  • Hyper- Personalization

  • Chatbots

  • Virtual Assistants

What Can AI Be Used For?

Virtual Assistants, Sirius, Alexa helps facebook decides which post users. Generative AI can make videos and produce music in the style of famous musicians. Chat GPT known as large language models (LLMs) huge AI neural networks that can process and generate human like text.

There are pros and cons to AI. A few pros are

  • A.I can help doctors spot breast cancer

  • Chat GPT can help college and highschool students write essay and cover letters.

  • Google Maps use AI to predict routes to help you to get to your destination faster.

  • You can unlock your phone by looking at the camera since AI can detect the patterns of your face.

  • AI helps you make more money.

  • Predicts customer needs and behaviors

  • Accelerate revenue growth

The cons of using AI are:

  • Artists complain that others can exploit and imitate their work without payment. 200 artists so far has called for “ predatory” use of AI in the music industry to be stopped.

  • According to In 2023, the UK government published a report which said AI might soon assist hackers to launch cyber attacks or help terrorists to plan chemical attacks.

  • AI could replace the equivalent of 300 million full- time jobs across the globe.

  • AI will get good enough at tasks to cause job losses and long term unemployment.

  • AI can be expensive to use for your company custom machine learning model can cost a large amount of money to implement.

In closing, AI has contributed to how we handle business and make decisions. In my opinion we should still use our God given creativity and originality in our products, how we provide customer service and how we communicate with others. As time goes by we should educate ourselves more on Artificial Intelligence and the various products we use at home, in our businesses and in our work place.

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