Fall Is In The Air

Fall Season begins Sunday, September 22, 2024.

Fall brings about harvest time, changing leaves, cooler temperatures and dark nights.

Fall Is symbolic for change and a sense of ease and comfort.

The Benefits of fall is that you get to enjoy outdoors and increase physical activities that good for your bodies.

James 5:7-8 from the Bible says see how the farmer waits for the land to.yield it’s valuable crop patiently waits for the autumn and spring rain.

I love decor that's etched in blessed, thankful and grateful wordings. These slogans give me hope and perseverance on bad days. I love great inspiration and positivity which brings me much joy. I purchased these from Dollar General.

This is so beautiful on my kitchen counter and when it’s lit up at night.

This is little things I've done to transform my kitchen.A little fall decor peice by piece goes a long way.

This is a little table pumpkin coffee table centerpiece I added to my den area.

These are a some fall items I added to my front lawn. As people ride through my neighborhood I want to give them some fall cheer.

I saw these items pictured above in Big Lots..These are some great ideas you can do to transform your living room, bedroom, den, office and kitchen. I suggest you add some spice to your life and decorate.

These are a movies specifically for the fall season. I recommend Hallmark. Hallmark Channel has entertaining heartfelt seasonal movies for couples to watch.

I truly appreciate you for visiting my site. While you're here feel free to share your thoughts on this topic. What are your fall plans? Have you done any fall shopping or hosting any fall parties? Enjoy This New Season 🤎


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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