Back To School
Children are back in school or time is quickly approaching for them to return. Back to school is an exciting time for children but a stressful time for some parents. There is alot that goes into getting your children ready for their first day of school i.e shopping for clothes, communicating with teachers, getting organized,and setting routines and boundaries. Since this time can be overwhelming, I've come up with some helpful tips on getting your child ready for school and to set yourself and your child up for a successful school year.
The first thing you want to do is prepare and plan. Preparing ahead sets you up for success and it saves you alot of time and stress. There's a saying , “ if you fail to plan, then you're planning to fail”
Second, set up a quiet environment in your home that will be conducive to learning. This area shall have a desk or table, a computer or laptop, pencils, paper, and great lights. Help your child to learn how to use their laptop or computer. Teach them how to search the web, help them set up an email address. Preparing your child will help them to alleviate stress or anxiety, and feel more prepared.
Third, prior to clothes shopping make a list or inventory of things your child has already so you won't overspend or become overwhelmed when you go into the store or shop online. Search for sales and use coupons to help you save money. Another important factor is to know what supplies your child is required to have for classes.
Fourth, make sure your child have face coverings, sanitizers in their possession. Teach your child the importance of washing their hands and keeping on their mask in large crowds, public places or if they're in close proximity of their peers. Many parents are concerned about their child's health. Teachers and other school personnel are also concerned about their health as well as their students. As more cases are rising, there are ways to ensure that your child and family are protected. Children over the age of 12 are allowed to get vaccinated. They are still working to get children between the ages of 6 to 12 to get vaccinated.
Last but not least, address any concerns you have about your child with their doctor, teachers, coaches, etc. We're all in this fight together. I want to leave you with this, you got this, pray, plan and prepare.
I want to hear from you, share your thoughts about back to school and what are some things you're doing to plan for a successful school year? Please check out my other stories on the site. Let’s stay connected, follow me on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. Thanks for reading 😊