Knowing Is Half The Battle

Understanding yourself fully allows you to make the necessary changes to improve and become better. Assessing your feelings and attitude about your circumstances and life is a step in the right direction to leveling up. To stay fully aware of yourself you need to be in tuned with yourself, your feelings, likes and dislikes, triggers etc. Praying, meditating, relaxation helps you to be more centered and focused on your inner thoughts and feelings.

Trying new things and surrounding yourself around peaceful, productive individuals will inspire you to step out the box to face your challenges to move to higher levels.

I’ve made some new commitments that will push me out of my comfort zone. I’m stepping up to the challenge, I’m creating new goals, I’m leaving some old behavior behind so I can grow and be better. Speaking and writing down your goals is the first step to being the best you.

Being unaware of what needs to be changed in your life can cause set backs. Knowing Is half the battle. I charge each of you to do daily self checks to become more aware of your wants and needs. Thanks for stopping by and reading my story. Feel free to check out the other stories on the site. Let's Stay connected follow my socials.😊


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

Self-Care Isn't Selfish


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