Ways To Avoid Financial Struggles

Happy New Year!!! I'm excited about this year and what God is going to do in our lives. I've learned many things in 2020, most importantly I’ve learned how to be prepared. It seems like all hell breaks loose when you are off guard and not prepared. …

Happy New Year!!! I'm excited about this year and what God is going to do in our lives. I've learned many things in 2020, most importantly I’ve learned how to be prepared. It seems like all hell breaks loose when you are off guard and not prepared. I want us all to learn from our mistakes and take this year by force and embark on tbe promises God has for us. Which brings me to my topic. If you are living from paycheck to paycheck, you don't have a savings for emergencies or if you are an impulsive spender this post is for you. I was all of the above and then some. One day I said to myself, “ I’m tired of being broke and barely surviving” I began to do some soul searching to figure out how I'm going to get out of my situation. A light bulb came on, my issues was my values were all screwed up which caused me to mishandle my money.

I was living Ike this all of my young adulthood. I bought insignificant things which formed into a bad habit. One day it hit me hard when an emergency came up and I didn't have anything saved up and at the time I was living from paycheck to paycheck…

I was living Ike this all of my young adulthood. I bought insignificant things which formed into a bad habit. One day it hit me hard when an emergency came up and I didn't have anything saved up and at the time I was living from paycheck to paycheck, and I didn't have any investments to fall back on, which had me feeling inadequate, I don’t like feeling that way and not being able to control my circumstances. I begsn to start making changes effectively immediately. Now I thank God I’m heading down the right direction, and my mindset has done a 360. Today my focus is on saving my money, cutting down on unnecessary costs, budgeting, bargain shopping and leaving an inherantance for my daughter.

These are a few tips to get you started to financial freedom, these tips have helped me out tremendously.

Write Down Your Three Biggest Money Challenges - Writing down your goals gives you a guide to work towards, ex: making your monthly bill payments, savings, reducing credit card debt.

Write Down Your Three Biggest Money Challenges - Writing down your goals gives you a guide to work towards, ex: making your monthly bill payments, savings, reducing credit card debt.

Put Together A List Of Money Saving Tips-  Write down how much you spend on snacks, going out to lunch, entertainment and so forth.

Put Together A List Of Money Saving Tips- Write down how much you spend on snacks, going out to lunch, entertainment and so forth.

Ex .Getting a membership at the gym vs working out at home or running at the park. Certainly running at the park will eliminate an expenditure.

Ex .Getting a membership at the gym vs working out at home or running at the park. Certainly running at the park will eliminate an expenditure.

Take Small Steps:  Instead of cutting one expense by 500.00 you can identify five monthly expenditures you can reduce by 100.00. ( www.bankofamerica.com)

Take Small Steps: Instead of cutting one expense by 500.00 you can identify five monthly expenditures you can reduce by 100.00. ( www.bankofamerica.com)

Keep Your Overall Goal At The Forefront:  If you get off your budget or sway from your goals remind yourself why it is important to achieve your goal, and get back in there to finish your race.

Keep Your Overall Goal At The Forefront: If you get off your budget or sway from your goals remind yourself why it is important to achieve your goal, and get back in there to finish your race.

Lastly, You May Need To Modify Your Budget Or Your Behavior- If you can’t go into the beauty supply store or the mall without buying something, stop visiting them.

Lastly, You May Need To Modify Your Budget Or Your Behavior- If you can’t go into the beauty supply store or the mall without buying something, stop visiting them.

I hope this was helpful, this makes two years that I began my financial journey in the right direction. I'm working toward financial freedom and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm recognizing growth within myself, I don’t desire certain things whi…

I hope this was helpful, this makes two years that I began my financial journey in the right direction. I'm working toward financial freedom and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm recognizing growth within myself, I don’t desire certain things which led me down the road to financial disaster. I want us all to become financially free and have a prosperous 2021. Watch the video below, I feel this video is helpful in offering encouragement in your financial journey. Thanks so much for stopping by. I'm looking foward to a great year with you guys, talk to you soon. ❤


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


2021 Is Here!!!


Counting Down To My One Year Anniversary