Are You Ready: Self Defense Training

Question, are you properly trained to protect yourself from an intruder? If so you may have saved you or someone else life. If you don’t know how to protect yourself, you need to get trained. Violence and senseless crimes are on the rise, everytime I watch the news someone is getting hurt, robbed or murdered. Mothers, we need to be in a position to protect our children if our men figure or husband is not with us. Due to the need of self protection, I want to share two types of self defense mechanism they are: armed and unarmed.

Unarmed martial arts are practice for self defense without a weapon, the martial artist trains you on how to defend yourself using your body.Some martial arts train you on how to escape from a person with a knife or gun situation or how to break away from a punch, while others train you how to attack.

To provide more practical self defense many modern martial arts schools now use a combination of martial art styles and techniques and will often customize self defense training to suit the individual participant (

Unarmed self defense training

Unarmed self defense training

The second self defense is armed.A wide variety of weapons can be used for self defense. The most suitable weapon depends on the threat presented, the victim or victims and the experience of the defender.  Everyday objects such as: flashlights, base…

The second self defense is armed.A wide variety of weapons can be used for self defense. The most suitable weapon depends on the threat presented, the victim or victims and the experience of the defender. Everyday objects such as: flashlights, baseball bats, newspapers, key rings with keys, kitchen utensils, and other tools and hair spray cans in combination with a lighter can be used as weapons for self defense. (

Ways to protect Yourself From A Predator

  • Trust your instincts

  • Practice self awareness

  • Don't mistake obsessive behavior for love or admiration

  • Take precautions online such as: avoid posting check ins and other social media that reveal your current location

  • If someone reaches out to you and your gut says yikes. don't feel obligated to respond

  • Tell others about anything alarming

  • Turn off your location settings on Facebook and other networks.

  • Take a self defense class. Self defense class teach ways to prevent the need for traditional self defense tactics and make both prevention and defense so automatic its muscle memory, which is important.

    I'm thinking of taking a self defense class to protect myself from intruders. I had the pleasure of visiting a mixed martial arts training school, Team Robinson. MMA He is located at 337 W Liberty St. Sumter, S C. His website is I had a chance to watch Jerome Robinson, a trained black belt teacher trained his students self defense tactics, jiu jitsu, circuit striking training and other techniques. It was amazing to see how he trained his students and how the students executed the movements. They all were supportive of one another and they encouraged each other while they were in the ring.

    After the practice session I had a one on one interview with owner and instructor Jerome Robinson. He shared his passion for mixed martial arts and why he wanted to teach. His motto is “ Where the whole family can get it”. He trains various age groups and he says “ I like teaching because I get to see the progress of my students over a period of time. You can check out our interview and some footage of the training session below.

    I will love to hear from you drop down in the comment section and tell me what you think about this topic and tell me if you have any experience in self defense,

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Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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