Should Marijuana Become An Open Market Yay or Nah?

How much do you know about marijuana and the effects it have on your body? Do you know  about the process of legalizing  marijuana? I'm curious so I decided  to do some research. It was stated that legalizing  of marijuana  will begin to provide jus…

How much do you know about marijuana and the effects it have on your body? Do you know about the process of legalizing marijuana? I'm curious so I decided to do some research. It was stated that legalizing of marijuana will begin to provide justice to communities of color that is torn apart by the failed war on drugs, stop the nonsense of being able to research it, remove the barriers to people getting medicine, and eliminate the impact of cannibis prohibition on educational funding and access to public housing. ( There are proposals to legalize cannibis and discriminalize other drugs to reduce policing of communities of color.

The governor  of California, Gavin Newsom described his state's legalization of marijuana as a “ civil rights”.

The governor of California, Gavin Newsom described his state's legalization of marijuana as a “ civil rights”.

The death of Breanna Taylor stemmed from a drug raid gone wrong. To this day there is still no arrests.

The death of Breanna Taylor stemmed from a drug raid gone wrong. To this day there is still no arrests.

Do you think the rise of police brutality and other laws that effect the black community has to do with drugs?

Do you think the rise of police brutality and other laws that effect the black community has to do with drugs?

What can be done to eliminate drug use? Personally, I have never used drugs, so I don’t know how I feel about marijuana being legalize due to my religious views. I definitely  would not want my child using drugs because it effects people differently…

What can be done to eliminate drug use? Personally, I have never used drugs, so I don’t know how I feel about marijuana being legalize due to my religious views. I definitely would not want my child using drugs because it effects people differently, I wouldn't want that to be the cause of my child not being successful not being able to qualify for certain jobs, and developing a habit that she can’t afford.

When buying marijuana from off the street you're gambling  with your life because you don’t know what has been injected into the drugs. Bad drugs can cause unpleasant  thoughts, feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

When buying marijuana from off the street you're gambling with your life because you don’t know what has been injected into the drugs. Bad drugs can cause unpleasant thoughts, feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

Medical marijuana has been used to help cancer and HIV patients. Medical marijuana help relieve pain, nausea, reduce inflammation, help treat seizures and reduce anxiety and paranoia.

Medical marijuana has been used to help cancer and HIV patients. Medical marijuana help relieve pain, nausea, reduce inflammation, help treat seizures and reduce anxiety and paranoia.

When you eat the marijuana as a baked good The THC is absorbed poorly. It can take up to hours because  it is processed  by the liver and it produces a second psychoactive compound that can change your mood or consciousness and can effect the brain …

When you eat the marijuana as a baked good The THC is absorbed poorly. It can take up to hours because it is processed by the liver and it produces a second psychoactive compound that can change your mood or consciousness and can effect the brain differently.

When marijuana is inhaled, The THC enters into the bloodstream and hides into the brain quickly. This method has less effect on the brain and it fade faster than consuming the marijuana  by mouth.This is just a tad bit of information that I gathered…

When marijuana is inhaled, The THC enters into the bloodstream and hides into the brain quickly. This method has less effect on the brain and it fade faster than consuming the marijuana by mouth.

This is just a tad bit of information that I gathered about this topic. My husband and I had several conversations about this topic and we often go back and forth about why marijuana should or should not be legalized for medical purposes only. Personally I think this topic makes a great debate. If you want more information about this topic you can visit, - Medical Marijuana FAQ, - Medical Marijuana.

Let’s keep this conversation going, what is your views about legalizing marijuana, share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for reading.. I'll talk to you soon.


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I'm a Mental Health Counselor My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

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