What Are You Doing To Engage The Youth?

We're approaching the summer and kids are almost out of school  for the summer break.  Parents or guardians what are your plans to keep your children engaged? We all know that children need structure and something constructive to do to keep them from being bored and to enhance learning. Children, teens and youth can use their summer break to learn a new exciting skill or have some clean fun. When I was child growing up in the 80's  my neighbors and I played sports, ride bikes, we played jump rope, and engaged in alot of outdoor activities. This generation of children rely on social  media, t.v. and video games for their leisure. Research has shown that children are obese and have health issues because they don't engage in the recommended amount of physical activity daily and  they consume unhealthy food.

We're approaching the summer and kids are almost out of school for the summer break. Parents or guardians what are your plans to keep your children engaged? We all know that children need structure and something constructive to do to keep them from being bored and to enhance learning. Children, teens and youth can use their summer break to learn a new exciting skill or have some clean fun. When I was child growing up in the 80's my neighbors and I played sports, ride bikes, we played jump rope, and engaged in alot of outdoor activities. This generation of children rely on social media, t.v. and video games for their leisure. Research has shown that children are obese and have health issues because they don't engage in the recommended amount of physical activity daily and they consume unhealthy food.

In my humble opinion  there should be something in place for children  to do in their spare time to keep them focused on  something positive and to keep them out of trouble. We have to take back our children and community, because there are too many senseless crimes, and some of our children are turning to crime, gangs, drugs and violence due to the lack of adult supervision. Adults,  it’s time to be more intentional with our children because they need us. I have come up with several ideas that we can implement in our community to engage our children.

In my humble opinion there should be something in place for children to do in their spare time to keep them focused on something positive and to keep them out of trouble. We have to take back our children and community, because there are too many senseless crimes, and some of our children are turning to crime, gangs, drugs and violence due to the lack of adult supervision. Adults, it’s time to be more intentional with our children because they need us. I have come up with several ideas that we can implement in our community to engage our children.

Collaborate with local churches, organizations, businesses, or schools - Create programs that will hone the children's skill set such as: computer skills, customer service skills, management skills, marketing strategies, gardening, drawing, painting, photography, booklist clubs. Professionals can volunteer their time and expertise to teach the youth a new skill.
  • Collaborate with local churches, organizations, businesses, or schools - Create programs that will hone the children's skill set such as: computer skills, customer service skills, management skills, marketing strategies, gardening, drawing, painting, photography, booklist clubs. Professionals can volunteer their time and expertise to teach the youth a new skill.

Businesses should offer shadow opportunities for teens and highschool graduates to learn business and leadership skills.  Shadowing gives the youth insight about the work place. Also shadowing gives the youth ideas on what type of career they may be interested in .I think this is a great way for business owners to give back and be a positive role model for the youth in the community.
  • Businesses should offer shadow opportunities for teens and highschool graduates to learn business and leadership skills. Shadowing gives the youth insight about the work place. Also shadowing gives the youth ideas on what type of career they may be interested in .I think this is a great way for business owners to give back and be a positive role model for the youth in the community.

The youth need certain skills to land a job or to start their own business these are skills we should introduce to our teens while they are in school: Teamwork NegotiationPreductionProblem Solving Leadership Organization Perseverance Motivation In closing, our youth need us many of us have a  lot to offer in the community we just have to step out of our comfort zone and begin doing something. Each of us can save and help a child. Children are a product of their environment, what are you doing to change your environment? Let's get engaged.  I have  a bonus video at the end of this post that I will love for you to check out. Feel free to share any ideas or suggestions in the comment section about this topic I will love to hear how you or your community is keeping the youth engaged.

The youth need certain skills to land a job or to start their own business these are skills we should introduce to our teens while they are in school:

  • Teamwork

  • Negotiation

  • Preduction

  • Problem Solving

  • Leadership

  • Organization

  • Perseverance

  • Motivation

    In closing, our youth need us many of us have a lot to offer in the community we just have to step out of our comfort zone and begin doing something. Each of us can save and help a child. Children are a product of their environment, what are you doing to change your environment? Let's get engaged. I have a bonus video at the end of this post that I will love for you to check out. Feel free to share any ideas or suggestions in the comment section about this topic I will love to hear how you or your community is keeping the youth engaged.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Let’s stay connected I'm on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. If you haven't please check out my other stories on the site. Much blessings to you all🤗

Thanks so much for stopping by. Let’s stay connected I'm on Instagram and Twitter Bloggingwithapril and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel Bloggingwithapril. If you haven't please check out my other stories on the site. Much blessings to you all🤗


Hello, My name is April, I'm a South Carolinian. I assist people with their life goals and developing healthy coping strategies. My hobbies include shopping, traveling, dressing up and sinply enjoying life. Thanks for coming along on my journey.


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