Top 6 Ways to Stay Healthy At Home During the Quarantine
April 14, 2020
We all are in this together. I've been home quarantining since mid March, and I’m still practicing safe health habits until we’re able to fully get back out into the groove of things. To help us stay healthy, I’ve come up with 6 top ways to stay healthy at home during the quarantine.
According to clean your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, going to the bathroom before eating and preparing food. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
2. Avoid sharing personal household items such as: drinking glasses or cups, eating utensils , towels. Wash your items thoroughly after using them. Personally, I add a splash of bleach in my dish water as I wash my dishes.
3. Sanitize your doorknob with bleach bottle.Clean off doorknobs, refrigerators, stoves, and all other household objects that's regularly touched.
4. Take Airborne vitamins daily. It comes in gummies, chewable, and a drink solution. It's been proven that Vitamin C helps support your immune system. Airborne also makes kids vitamins. I recommend that you follow directions before you.
5. If you have to leave home to purchase essential items, wear a mask . According to, before putting on a mask clean hands with alcohol- based rub or soap with water.
Avoid touching the masks while using it, if you do clean your hands with alcohol- based hand rub or soap and water.
6.Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not reuse single- use masks.
To remove the mask- remove it from behind do not touch the front of mask.
I want all of us to stay healthy by practicing good health tips. We should try to avoid large crowds, stay six feet apart if you are shopping for essential items. When you’re out, you should protect yourself by wearing a face mask and gloves. It should be one person leaving home for essentials, so if God forgives if one person gets sick the other person can take care of the sick person and care for the children.
Share your thoughts below, how are you practicing good health during this pandemic, drop down your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks for stopping by I’ll talk to you soon 😃